Taylor Fairman

Taylor Fairman

Director, Sales & Marketing

(866) SRP-401K x 752
See the Midwest Team

Taylor joined Strategic Retirement Partners in 2016. After a personal hiatus, Taylor is excited to be back with SRP in her new role as Regional Director of Sales and Marketing where she is responsible for helping develop new business opportunities and implement marketing and service programs.

Previously, Taylor’s role with SRP as a Relationship Manager in Operations included a wide range of responsibilities from operational management with plan sponsors, participants, record-keepers, and other industry professionals. Prior to joining SRP, Taylor worked in the financial industry as an assistant analyst for clients and participants.

Taylor hold a bachelor’s degree from University of Northern Iowa. Taylor founded a Non-Profit in honor of her daughter, Evie Everlasting, to help relieve the financial burden of families affected by pediatric cancer. She is an avid traveler and cherishes time with family.


Midwest Team