Max Taylor

Max Taylor

Manager, IT Development

(866) SRP-401K x 773
See the IT Team

Max joined SRP as an intern during his final semester at the University of Missouri – Columbia. He graduated in 2020, receiving his Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and was promptly hired full time as a Technical Support Specialist.

Max has spent his entire professional career at SRP where he has moved from his Technical Support Specialist role to a Systems Administrator in 2023. He now oversees many of the internal IT processes and procedures and helps to manage SRP’s IT infrastructure.

Max lives in Batavia, IL with his wife. They are currently (as of December 2024) expecting their first child. Max loves movies, architecture, woodworking and working on his 102 year old house when he has a spare moment.

IT Team

Some things you might not know about Max...

What is your favorite quote?

"“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” – Marcus Aurelius"

What is your favorite movie that you can watch over and over again?

"The Goonies (Movie) HEY YOU GUYS!"

What was your first job?

"Food delivery at an Italian restaurant."